
Return From The FairCandido Portinari (Brazil)
"Return From The Fair," 1940
oil on canvas
40 x 32"
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas
Gift of Jose Gomez-Sicre

El Patio (The Market Place)El Patio (The Market Place)
Pedro Figari (Uruguay, b.1861, d.1938)
oil on cardboard
Circa 1935
17 3/4 x 25"
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas
Gift of the Bank of the Republic of Uruguay

Araucanian ToysAraucanian Toys
Pablo A. Burchard (Chile, b.1919, d. 1992)
gouache on paper
18 x 28"
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas
Gift of Jose Goméz Sicre

Hermala IIRoberto Matta (Chile)
"Hermala II," 1948
oil on canvas, 50 x 57"
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas
Gift of the Workshop Center for the Arts, Washington D.C.

Naturaleza Muerta en un tema de laboratorioNaturaleza Muerta en un tema de laboratorio
Roberto Ossaye (Guatemala, b.1927, d.1954)
oil on canvas
10 1/2 x 15 1/4"
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas
Gift of Mrs. Roberto Ossaye

Grito Frente al Mar (Scream by the Sea)Grito Frente al Mar (Scream by the Sea)
Hector Poleo (Venezuela, b.1918, d.1989)
oil on canvas
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas
Gift of Captain T. Rieber

Figures in YellowFigures in Yellow
Rene Portocarrero (Cuba, b.1912, d.1985)
oil on canvas
35 x 25"
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas
Gift of Joseph Cantor

Mother and ChildMother and Child
Oswaldo Guayasamin (Ecuador, b.1919, d.1999)
pen and ink on paper
29 x 21"
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas
Gift of Jose Gomez-Sicre

Estudiante Muerto (El Velorio) | The Dead Student (The Vigil)Estudiante Muerto (El Velorio) | The Dead Student (The Vigil)
Alejandro Obregon (Colombia, b.1920, d.1992)
oil on canvas
55 x 69"
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas

Seated WomanSeated Woman
Aldemir Martins (Brazil, b.1922)
pen and ink on paper
27 x 16 1/2"
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas

Jorge Camacho (Cuba, b.1934)
Oil on canvas
47 x 72"
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas

Enrique Grau (Colombia, b.1920, d.2004)
color pencil and crayon on paper
27 x 20"
Collection OAS Art Museum of the Americas
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